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4 Ways to Increase the Effectiveness of Pest Control

Pests are not only an annoyance for your household but also carry health risks and can even destroy your property. You might think that quick extermination might handle a pest problem forever. However, you need extra measures to ensure that the extermination is effective. Read on to discover a few tips to prevent further pest infestation alongside pest control.

1. Sanitation

Pests like to live in dirty places where they can find food and a place to hide in the mess. Some pests are very hard to get rid of, no matter how the homeowner tries to do it. Other pests will come back no matter how many times you try to get rid of them because they can get food and breed easily.

Rats, for instance, are afraid of taking risks and sensitive to changes in their environment. If they see new traps, food, or other things that weren't there before, they won't touch them. But if the rats are hungry, they will be more likely to try poisoned food or food traps.

So, sanitation will get rid of any food sources that are near or close by. It will also make sure that they don't come back after an exterminator gets rid of them. Make sure that your home is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis to keep pests from coming back.

2. Inspection

Some pests can hide very well in furniture, dark corners, cracks, and gaps. On the other hand, bugs like bedbugs, fleas, and cockroaches can come to your house on someone else's bags and clothes. Once these pests are inside, it will be hard to see them until they get out of hand and spread diseases to your family or cause allergies.

After a guest or family member comes into the house, check their clothes. Also, check your furniture, cabinets, and any other place these bugs could hide. If you catch these pests as soon as they come into the house, they are easier to get rid of. If not, it might take longer to finish all of them.

3. Structural Changes

Carpenter ants create holes in wood to make homes for their colonies. They like wet wood because it is easier to dig into than dry wood. Remove or cover wood that touches the ground because it lets moisture in and makes it easy for ants to get in.

Pests can also get in through cracks, gaps, and other small openings in the house structure. Rats can climb up pipes and gutters to get into your roof or attic. Cockroaches can fit under door gaps or window cracks to get inside. Pests might be able to get into your home through these weak spots.

You can cut back any long branches that rodents can use to get into your house. Talk with a contractor to get help with sealing any holes in your roof, windows, doors, or any other structure with gaps.

4. Waste Management

Pests can get food or breed by living on trash. So, cockroaches and rats frequent trashcans and other places with garbage. You should make sure that you seal your trashcan well. Close the trash bag when you take out the trash to keep these pests from getting food from it.

These measures will ensure that you prevent further pest infestation. However, you cannot fully control pests via prevention alone and might need an extermination service if their population grows uncontrollably. Contact us at Pass Pest Control for professional pest control.

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